“Wine is not an exact sience but an experience of life.”
Domenico Pasetti

Guest House
Tenuta Testarossa is a real heaven of peace in the small village of Pescosansonesco, jewel of Pasetti Winery from which we receive the grapes that will become our cru. 30 minutes far from Pescara, inside the National Park of Gran Sasso (550 m above sea level) and Monti della Laga, our home will be pleased to welcome you to let you live moments of relax in contact with nature.
Tenuta Testarossa Web Site: tenutatestarossa.itODA AL VINO
“Vino color del día, vino color de la noche, vino con pies de púrpura o sangre de topacio, vino, estrellado hijo de la tierra, [...]”