The rural area of Pescosansonesco is located in the hinterland of Abruzzo, over a place where the alpine belt is severe. Picca mountain (1405 m AMSL), Alto mountain (1208 m AMSL), Pietra Corniale mountain (1155 m AMSL), Queglia mountain (995 m AMSL) and Colle La Macchia (1086 m AMSL) may be counted among the highest peak of the above-said zone. Furthermore, some interesting caves may be found over there. Geologically speaking, Pescosansonesco area belongs to that belt, which took shape from a dreg sedimentation, facilitated by the presence of hydro-resources rich in calcium sulphate and selenium. All this, together with the clay shattering process, created a debris conglomeration, which finally surfaced because of a strong orogenetic impulses and a simultaneous marine regression. This irregular formation, which appears today with the presence of suggestive rocky cliffs, reveals the passage from the littoral zone formation to a different one. The presence of gypsum is strong, especially in the source of Acqua Puzza district in Pescosansonesco. The roman fountain plays a prominent role: it can be found in Moro district. “Roman” in one of the word used to describe the hari-mann, germanic population that came in Abruzzo in ancient time. The word hari-mann (in latin harimannus) means “Arimannia possessor”, that is the holder of pieces of land which used to be assigned to the free men. Among the existent holy buildings, there may be found some which deserve our attention: San Nicola church, the Vecchio Borgo and Santa Maria cloister. The last one was build on the ruins of an ancient temple consecrated to Mars.

Capestrano conceals a great archeological discovery: the famous “Guerriero di Capestrano” (Capestrano warrior – VI b.C.). This marble statue was found in Ofena district and today is exhibited inside the Chieti archeological museum. The statue represents a warrior, belonging to the ancient Piceni population. San Pietro ad Oratorium church and some ruins of its ancient monastery wall were discovered about 4 kilometers far from Capestrano downtown , near the Tirino river. An inscription on the architrave of the above mentioned church reveals that the building was founded in VIII century, thanks to Desiderio king. It was later renewed in 1100. Engraved on its portal, we can admire the famous “quadrato magico” (magic square): the enigmatic words Rotas opera tenet arepo sator are engraved on that square. It is probably a cryptogram which forms the 2 words Pater Noster. Pasetti vineyards are located near Capo d’Acqua, which is a great pond where divers come every year from all over the world.